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Business Set Up

Dealing with officials who speak a foreign language and operate in a different legal environment is a difficult task. CCS has experienced staff with the skills to guide a prospective company through the process of setting up business in south East Asia. CCS will advise on the various rules and regulations that apply to the type of business entity that is proposed, and will assist with the process by arranging the various meetings and carriage of documentation.

 Pre Employment Checking
The most important resource that a company has is its human resource. Thorough background checking is vital to ensure that only the best personnel are employed; poor decision-making skills, dishonesty, incompetence and poor work ethics all have the potential to seriously harm an organizations reputation and credibility. CCS will examine an organizations pre employment checks and balances and make recommendations regarding any weaknesses.  
 Business Continuity Planning
All businesses and indeed all corporate entities need to consider all of the circumstances that may have an impact on reducing productivity. Identifying those areas that potentially may stop or delay a company continuing to operate and developing plans to circumvent such situations is paramount; for example does a mining company obtain all of their production material from the one source and then are held to ransom by local landowners who blockade the source, or do they identify multiple supply locations? Does a factory store their entire product in the one building and expose their operation to risk from a fire? Is there a plan in the advent of a flu pandemic? These and many other risks peculiar to each individual organization are examined and the results obtained are used to develop strategies and contingencies to ensure the survival of the entity.